Sonntag, 7. April 2013

WOT I'm not stupid

Or is it? Users who install this just so dangerous tool that should already be asking?
Why do you need this tool at all. Any good anti-virus software does much more. And fraud pages or the pages of suspected viruses are blocked directly by Google.

So why install these spy tool?

WOT is spying on your computer. Collects user data and reviews of users do to use to make money. Or do you think WOT was created for the benefit of humanity. There are complaints against WOT and his accomplices. Eventually, you'll lock this unnecessary tool and draw false Reviewer accountable. The day will come where false Reviewer like Kraftwerk and be sentenced to pay damages. And the author of this article is intended to take part in the verdict. And Schadensersatzvorderungen against the operators and provide false reviewer.

The self appointees Internet guardians will receive just punishment nor Ihe.

Do you want to join this Miesen WOT game? Do not be stupid. Remove this rogue Toll. Or better yet. Not even install.

Do not be stupid. Distance yourself from these criminals machinations of WOT wrong Reviewer.

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